10 Employee Incentive Programs to Motivate Your Team


Employee incentive programs are a powerful tool to motivate your team and keep them engaged in their work. These programs vary widely by industry, but they all share two key elements: rewarding employees for doing something beneficial to the organization, and providing a tangible sense of accomplishment. There are all sorts of motivational techniques out there, but they're not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to motivation. In fact, many don't work at all. 

So let's explore just how far employee incentive programs can take your team!

What are employee incentive programs?

Employee incentive programs are formal and informal methods of encouraging employees to improve their performance. They often use positive reinforcement to reward employees for their good work. There are many ways to set up an employee incentive program, but they all have one thing in common: They're designed to encourage your employees to reach higher performance levels.

Incentive programs can be used in a wide variety of settings. A company might give out bonuses or prizes to its best employees or offer rewards for goals that everyone agrees on (such as meeting quotas).

In addition to financial incentives, some companies give out trophies or certificates as rewards for reaching certain milestones. These awards don't necessarily have monetary value, but they still serve as positive reinforcement for employees who reach certain goals within the company.

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But…Do employee incentive programs work? The answer is yes — with some caveats.

Incentive programs are most effective when they are designed with specific goals in mind and when they align with company culture and values. For instance, if you want to increase sales, you need to design your program around that goal. Similarly, if you're going to improve customer service ratings, you'll want your program to focus on that metric.

Incentive programs can also be more effective when employees feel like their contributions are valued by management and other colleagues. So, it's not just about what they get out of it but also what they give back.

Finally, don't forget that incentives will not work in every company the same way because of factors such as size or industry type.

What are the three types of incentives?
  1. Financial incentives: Cash bonuses, stock options, and other forms of compensation.
  2. Recognition incentives: Promotion, public recognition, and other forms of recognition.
  3. Social incentives: Increased job security, better working conditions, and employee benefits such as medical insurance and paid time off.
How do I create an employee incentive program? — 5 steps
Step 1: Define your goals. 

What are you trying to achieve? Is it improved efficiency, customer satisfaction, or revenue growth? Once you have defined your goals, document them and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Step 2: Know your audience. 

Who will be participating in your program? Employees from every department should be represented, as well as those who work with customers directly.

Step 3: Identify potential incentives. 

Think about what each team member cares about most, then brainstorm ways to reward them for achieving the desired results. Employee rewards can be monetary or non-cash prizes that are meaningful and relevant to your employees' interests and passions.

Step 4: Set up a system for tracking progress toward goals. 

Once you've decided on your goals and incentives, it's time to set up a system for tracking employees' progress toward those goals. This is where most incentive programs fall short. They don't have a way to measure whether or not employees are reaching their goals, so they don't know if they should be rewarded.

Step 5: Reward success. 

An employee incentive program can have a significant impact on your organization, but it only works if everyone knows about it. A great way to make sure everyone knows about your program is to reward success.

When an employee does something good, make sure they know about it. Make sure their performance is recognized and rewarded. This helps build morale and shows other employees that you are serious about rewarding them for their hard work.

Bonus step: Get feedback from employees.

Make sure you give your employees a chance to provide feedback on your employee incentive programs. You want to ensure that what you're offering is useful and effective for them, so be sure to ask for feedback at every implementation stage.

What are the best employee incentives?

While it's important to offer your employees a variety of incentives, some stand out as better than others.

Here are 10 of the best employee incentives:

  1. A raise
  2. A bonus
  3. Employee recognition programs and awards
  4. Training and learning opportunities
  5. Flexible schedules
  6. Improved benefits packages
  7. Holiday parties or celebrations
  8. Paid time off (PTO) accrual bonuses or unlimited vacation policies
  9. Company-sponsored fun days, outings, and events like happy hours or parties
  10. Customized recognition programs


In the end, motivating your team should be a relatively simple matter of understanding them.

Once you know your team's wants and needs, you can tailor various incentives to meet those needs. Sometimes it's as simple as providing opportunities for growth within your company. Other times, it might be as complex as providing bonuses to increase productivity. The goal is to tailor each incentive program specifically to the needs of your employees, whether they're individuals or a cohesive unit being organized into a department.

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